Posted in California Livin', Hiking, Nature, Wellness

Friday Favorite: Fullerton Loop

Sunday is a day of rest.  Sunday is the last day of the weekend when you are supposed to dread going back to work because MONDAY.  Sunday is for reading the paper, drinking coffee, and watching football.  That’s not me.  Sunday to me is getting ready for the week.  Figuring out what I am going to wear, maybe write, and definitely exercise.  Running and yoga are usually the norm but I have been trying to get the whole family to be active on Sundays.  This past Sunday we checked out the Fullerton Loop, a hiking trail that you can also bike and run.  It was a beautiful day and even though we only managed to do 4 miles round trip, we got outside, the kids were loud and rowdy, and I had to pee the whole time (which is pretty much the story of my life).

While Dad figured out where we were going, the kids did an obligatory pose/dab:

Fullerton Loop Dabbing

We started off strong with Scarlet leading the way with her confident stride, not yet annoyed by her brother’s antics

Fullerton Loop Confident Stride

Then Wesley started running up and down the hills, trying to make this “boring” hiking trail (not every hike is Joshua Tree kid) fun

Fullerton Loop Wesley please dont run up the hill

Followed by me asking him to come down as my anxiety tried to take over, whispering he could get hurt or bit by a rodent or snake

Fullerton Loop Thank You Wesley

We stopped at a bench and it was very polite and cordial

Fullerton Loop Bridge Sign

About a quarter of the way in the kids were still smiling so I captured the moment under a bridge

Fullerton Loop Bridge

Wesley has his “I’m the King of the World” daily stance

Fullerton Loop Wesley King

One under a bridge, one on top of a bridge

Fullerton Loop Bridge Smiles

Wesley telling me to find him

Fullerton Loop Bridge find Wesley

Happy they found not a Christmas but a Stranger Things tree

Fullerton Loop Stranger Things

There was some complaining/whining/yelling about needing water and being tired but I know the kids will be up for another hike on one of these upcoming Sundays.  And I will be too.

I hope you have a go to list of things that make you happy and you get to enjoy them over the weekend.  Thanks for reading!